Assistant Nursing officer Jobs at Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI)

Uganda Cancer Institute, Upper Mulago Hill Road, Kampala, Uganda


Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI) in collaboration with American Cancer Society (ACS) is implementing the UCI Patient Navigation Program at UCI with grants from ACS, with the aim of improving the quality of patients’ care at UCI using three types of navigation; Physical Navigation, Clinical Navigation and Resource Navigation.

To reach this goal, the Program intends to provide patient navigation services to cancer patients at UCI; improve patients’ knowledge on their diagnosis, treatment, self-care and services provided at UCI; improve the overall patient’s satisfaction of the care at UCI; improve UCI staff knowledge, attitudes and practices towards the use of compassionate, patient-centered cancer care; and increase the number of cancer patients completing their prescribed cancer treatment at UCI.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals to fill the underlisted positions under the UCI Patient Navigation Program at UCI on contract basis.Post: 6 Assistant Nursing officers
Salary sacle: U5

Job Responsibilities: Not Specified

Job Skills: Not Specified

Job Qualifications: Not Specified

Job Education Requirements: Not Specified

Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified

Job application procedure
Application should be hand written and addressed to the Executive Director Uganda Cancer Institute. The date line for receipt of application is Monday 3rd February, 2020. Detailed job descriptions and specifications for the advertised posts can be accessed on UCI web site

Uganda, Kampala
